Sunday, July 17, 2011

MechThralls Assembely-style Painting Step-by-Step Part 1

30 Mechthralls is a lot of thralls. I have decided to paint them in one big go to get it over and done with. Fortunally they dont have a lot of detail and different parts so not many colors will be required.

Step One: Basecoating

I have allready based built the bases for the thralls, going with a mix of my armys bases. I.e one unit on the beach, one unit with a mixed beach and board walk base and the last one with just decking styled bases.

I proceed to base coat the horde using my airbrush and Vallejo's Dead Flesh. I do one thin sweep all over the model and then one more sweep covering all the skin parts with extra care. Dead flesh is the base for the skin.
Above a picture of the horde and below a picture of how my hands look after base coating. Attractive.

Step Two: Washing the skin

I use a purple wash from Games Workshop and wash all the skin bits with it.

Step three: High Lighting Skin

I use Dead Flesh again for the first highlight and then mix it with a pure with color 50/50 ratio for additional highlight. I dont bother making it perfect, this is miniatures for gaming after all, and in addition, they are the undead so what if they have some skin issues?

Step four: Open Flesh

I apply Vallejo's Gory Red in all the rips in the skin and all the parts with muscle tissue and then wash it with the purple GW wash. Simple but affective.

Next its time for the metals. Stay tuned for part 2.

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